Resources & Links
We’ve provided some links that will help you properly care for your pets, as well as answers to some of the most common veterinary questions from concerned pet owners like you. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, don’t hesitate to call or email our office.
If you ever feel like your pet’s symptoms may be the sign of a serious issue, don’t rely on self-diagnostic tools. Bring your animal in for a check-up right away. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your furry friend’s health.
Pet Stores and Dog Parks
Columbia Pet Center
Columbia Dog Parks
Lost Pets
No Kill Columbia Lost a Pet?
This page from No Kill Columbia gives eight important steps to follow if you believe you have lost your pet.
No Kill Columbia Found a Pet?
This page offers 6 important steps to follow if you believe you have found someone’s pet, again from No Kill Columbia
Columbia Animal Control
Central Missouri Humane Society
Local Shelters
Columbia Second Chance
Central Missouri Humane Society
Unchained Melodies Dog Rescue
Callaway Hills Animal Shelter
Other Helpful Links
Veterinary Partner
Pet Product Recalls
American Kennel Club